

I offer nutrition support and advice throughout your cancer journey from diagnosis, treatment and recovery.

Through expert nutrition advice I aim to help you gain greater clarity and more control during a time in your life that can often seem confusing and out of control. Good nutrition can lead to a faster recovery, maintenance of muscle mass and strength, reduce fatigue and side effects from treatment, support your immune system and healing after surgery.


Living with and beyond Cancer

Little is know about the best diet to follow post cancer treatment. My research is in this exact area, looking at living with and beyond colorectal cancer. I am therefore in a unique position to talk you through recent research in this area and discuss simple lifestyle changes you could adopt into your lifestyle.


Digestive Health

I offer specialist knowledge and skills in the management of medical conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), food intolerance, diverticular disease, short bowel, colostomy or ileostomy advice.

I am FODMAP trained.


Women’s Health

I offer advice for women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

PCOS is a relatively common condition, affecting how a woman’s ovaries work. Healthier food choices and increasing physical activity can improve the symptoms of PCOS. We will work together to make changes to your lifestyle and I will help you gain knowledge on how to manage your PCOS with diet and exercise